Friday, September 10, 2010

Book Review: Outlive Your Life

Outlive Your Life, by Max Lucado
This is another excellent book by Max Lucado. The premise of the book is that Christians are called to make a difference in this world. Doing so not only can have a huge impact on someone’s life, but also represents Jesus well. Lucado, in typical fashion, uses his down home illustrations and stories to remind us that God can use each of us “common folk” to accomplish uncommon things for him. He did it in the First Century and he can still do it today. Our tendency is to doubt ourselves, to ask if we can really make a difference, but after reading this book you will be inspired to ask yourself, “Whose life will I change?”

The book calls us to share the good news of Jesus, to have compassion on those who don’t know him and need him desperately, to be willing to be bold even in the face of potential persecution, to do good to others quietly, to care for the poor and less fortunate, to never give up on anyone, and to pray more and more each day.
I highly recommend this book. It will remind you that we have the opportunity to have a huge impact on this world, and will inspire you to be the kind of Christ follower that will represent Jesus well.

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