Ron Aguilera explains, using cantaloupe in place of the things and stuff we hold dear, how God wants us to not be lost in life, aimless or consumed by materialism or overwhelmed by debt.
A moral person wouldn't walk out of a store without paying for a shirt he took then get angry at the store manager for asking for payment, so why do many chafe at God's request to return a portion of the blessings He gives us? Pastor Ron explains the dilemma.
Watch this message in Windows Media streaming video or download the movie. Listen to it in MP3 streaming or downloadable audio.
How Does God View Money?God views money as a tool for His kingdom on earth. Why do we treat it as an end in itself? Pastor Ron explains from a seemingly strange story Jesus told about the proper use of shrewdness and cunning.
Watch this message in Windows Media streaming video or download the movie. Listen to it in MP3 streaming or downloadable audio.
Through the story of Abraham in the Bible book of Genesis, Pastor Ron shows how God wants to take us from a place that we think is already great to a place that is even better. However, partial obedience to God's directions can be heart-breaking.
Watch this message in Windows Media streaming video or download the movie. Listen to it in MP3 streaming or downloadable audio.